Below is a question I received from a person with a business background who attended one of my cloth diapering classes.
Dear Jenn,
Why do you talk about tshirt diapers during your Cloth Diaper 101 class? You aren’t selling diapers when you teach people how to cloth diaper for free.
A Business Person
My response:
Dear Business Person,
When our first baby was born, my husband and I were choosing between diapers and food. Someone gave me my first set of cloth diapers. Before long, we were able to buy our own diapers. We started a business. Then we began creating cloth diapers. Today, I run a cloth diaper company. I believe every baby deserves to have a fully-diapered bottom whether that solution is free, inexpensive, hybrid, deluxe, or disposable. Not every solution is right for every family, but every baby needs diapers. .
In our hands, we have the power to affect small changes in someone else’s life. Some decisions aren’t about economic impact. Some decisions are about doing the right thing – for a family and for the planet. In this case, intentionally teaching the t-shirt diaper or giving a family cloth diapers could help some families to buy groceries or pay a utility bill.
I remember what it felt like to walk away from the meat department because we needed other things. I remember checking out with WIC at Walmart. I remember stretching that little pile of food to make it work. Cloth diapers helped our family to overcome hunger.
Cloth diapers empower families.
It works out.
Here are two ways to make a t-shirt diaper.
Once you have the diapers made, all you need is some one-size diaper covers… and you’re all set! This link goes to the Elemental Joy One-Size Diaper Cover, one of our least expensive diaper covers. It is in stock in most colors and can usually ship right away.
Good luck on your new cloth diapering journey. Leave a note in the comments if you have questions.