The Girl’s Guide to Negotiating

Negotiation is discussion aimed at reaching an agreement. When you want to accomplish a certain goal, it is important to consider the whole situation carefully before making commitments. It’s a big game and, if you play your cards right, you can get to your goal. Most importantly, get to know the rest of the players […]
The Power of The Pixel

An article was published on Wired recently about Facebook’s failure to suppress fake news. The epically long, but must-read article is titled “Inside the Two Years that Shook Facebook — And the World”. As I read, in particular, I noted the implications to corporate power, retail economics, and platform marketing in the content… “For the […]
Diapers: Graphing The Costs Over Time
Incremental Diaper Savings Add Up Over Time

Diapers are expensive. As you change each diaper, the costs (or the savings) add up. We took a look at how the costs and the savings compare to each other over a period of 2 ½ years. Potty training happens for many children sometime during toddlerhood. Potty training may be delayed for some children well […]
Count The Cost of Diapering
Because every baby leaks.

Every baby leaks. Most families choose to use diapers, either cloth diapers or disposable diapers, to contain the leaks. The cost of containing those leaks can be high. Disposable diapers are a single use product. Use it once, throw it away, buy it again. Cloth diapers are used again and again, often for multiple children. […]
Ten Languages Under One Roof

Two years ago, we began the process of building a diaper factory in St. Louis. We hired a team at Washington University to evaluate the efficiency of our manufacturing process. I wanted to understand what we were doing and how we could, perhaps, improve on those processes. That team came back with a solid recommendation […]
Whole Foods Sold Their Recipes & Formulas to Amazon

At some point, in the not too distant future, Amazon wants to ensure that you’re buying everything from either or Amazon stores. Books. Music. Diapers. Tech. Food. Shampoo. Organic body care and organic foods. All interestingly now available for purchase at lower prices when you choose their “store brand”. The latter newly so thanks to a […]
Network Building At Conferences
Are you well known? Are you known to no-one?

As I attend more conferences, I’ve realized how many people truly struggle with networking skills. It can be difficult to meet people when you are new to an environment or a profession. Nobody knows you. You have no credibility. It’s easier to recede into your phone or find the nearest familiar face before risking a […]
A Lesson in Marketing: The Guy in the Middle Seat
Counterfeit Baby Products At Amazon
And you don't even get to choose whether you get a real or a fake.

While I know that a lot of you have a love affair going on with Amazon Prime and their seemingly amazing two-day shipping, you should know that you’re not necessarily going to get what you think you’re ordering… and, based on our experience and what I’m reading in the media, even after receiving reports of […]