I heard this for the first time from my pastor and then was surprised to hear it again from Diane Sawyer when I was watching the Oprah Winfrey Network on the elliptical a few weeks later. I’ve never forgotten it and am passing it along to you today so you can paste it in your kitchen window. This is simple… really, it’s quite hard to forget once you’ve thought about it once or twice:
“He who refreshes others will himself be refreshed.”
Proverbs 11:25b
Got it? Read it again. Refreshing others generally means being kind or encouraging. Not sure where to start? Facebook is easy. Go make yourself say something kind to someone. If you can type, you could hit ten walls with drips of encouragement in five minutes. I genuinely hope that you do this. If you don’t feel like it… do it for me. And then come tell me about it so I can be encouraged. Deal?
Have other ideas about how you could (or did) reach out to someone today? Share them in the comments… and happy Saturday morning!