Almost every day, I’m surprised again by someone willing to believe that a situation is impossible to work through.
The mountain is too high.
The project is too big.
The problem is complex.
Learning is hard.
Change is scary.
It is always easier to talk to everyone you know about a problem you’re facing than it is to just buckle down and change the thing that will solve it. Looking at the real reason problems are occurring is the only way they get solved.
Truthfully, mountains can be climbed. Projects can be accomplished. Problems can be solved. Learning is fun. Change is an adventure.
Nothing is impossible when you see every single challenge you face as a learning opportunity.
Imagine if adults approached life with the determination and fearlessness of a two-year-old? I doubt we’d be wondering where the next big innovation was going to come from… or wondering if the potential for innovation somehow stopped when social media was created and we all started staring at our phone to escape our challenges.
Engage with your challenge. Climb your mountain. Conquer that crazy project. You do know how… and if you don’t, Google does. If Google doesn’t know, even better. You’re exploring new territory.
Learning is good. You can. And don’t let anyone tell you that you can’t.
Cannot wait for the book!
Well said Jenn! I just happen to have a fearless two year old, and every day her determination and success in doing things “her way”, leave me in awe (and fear!) as her mommy. We certainly can, and should, take a lesson from the little ones who are trailblazing their own path without a care in the world.
I can’t wait for a book either. I find that I FEEL inadequate and unable to tackle these mountains. It is almost as if I am tied up. I need a good “sister” to come beside me and help me to not only see but take the first step as I know once you get the first step the rest seem to come, not always easily but easier. The last 10 years our family has been hit hard with many challenges and the last few years have been the hardest. I think our family has grown weary. It is not that we can’t, we just need some sort of energy boost to help us keep going and not give up. I so wish I could meet you some day as I feel you would be a diamond to put in my treasure box. I have been fortunate to meet a few diamonds in my life. They are few and far between but so very helpful to keep going on your journey of life. God Bless you and your family!!
You ROCK, Jen. Thanks for the encouragement.