Instinct, Giovanni, and The Rest of the “Accidental” Story

I have 12 years of classical piano training. In college, I had visions of getting a degree in Music and took some college level classes with that goal in mind. Thanks to a professor who believed in me, those classes yielded an opportunity to perform as a soloist with an orchestra. A music degree […]
Mrs. Labit, I have to tell you that you may never use your arm again.
Poverty, Diapers, Washing, Empowerment, and Privilege

We need to talk about privilege and how it influences the media’s assumptions about families living under the burden of poverty. Eventually, we’ll get to how those assumptions influence social program design, but today, we’re just going to look at the media and a recent set of articles. Last week, Emily Badger and Juliet Eilperin wrote an […]
Together, We’re Stronger. Put on Love.

Women are an incredible force. A force for right and against wrong. A force for our children and against harm. A force for freedom. And the underserved. What if, for a minute, we turned our eyes towards love? What if we set aside differences and focus on unity? What if we use story to teach others […]
The Real Story of Cotton Babies

The exhilaration of seeing two pink lines on the pregnancy test for the first time fifteen years ago is a feeling I won’t soon forget. I called my friend and had a squealing moment about those two pink lines. Then I had to take the other test… just to be sure. It felt amazing. I’d dreamed about having a […]
The day a diaper got a new name…

I’ve barely slept the last three days as I’ve pondered writing this post and what to say and how to say it… After all these years, I’ve come to really appreciate the people who try to understand the complexities involved in making all of the people happy all of the time while also trying to operate […]
Our Employees Bring Babies to Work

Having started my business with a little person in my lap or crawling around my feet, I am an avid advocate for parents who want to bring a baby to work for a period of time after returning from maternity leave. Making this allowance for employees enables them to further develop the parenting relationship after […]
The Mom Space and Verbal Violence

Jack Welch had an interesting recipe for success. Every time his team finished a project, they’d spend a little bit of time celebrating the successes, but then they spent a lot more time reviewing and documenting their failures. He created a process to help those teams implement what they’d learned from both the successes and […]