Moms travel too.
Washing Cloth Diapers: A Look At The Last Ten Years

I recently read a post in a forum from a cloth diapering mom complaining that her cloth diapers weren’t clean. Her friend had told her to use a sprinkle of detergent when washing her cloth diapers. She was frustrated because the amount of detergent she was using wasn’t working. As I read the responses, I […]
Hiding that diaper?
How do you do it all?

I can’t even count how many times people have asked me this question. How do you do it all? There are many assumptions built into that questions. “All” gets defined differently by different people. Some assume that I have an organic garden that I farm myself, chickens in the backyard in a coop, homeschooled children, […]
Babies At Work

I’ve spent the last few weeks wrestling with people who believe business leadership is barely a place for a woman, and even less so for a mother with a newborn. It’s unfamiliar territory for most because our culture has practically required that women become masculine in order to be successful. Books about successful businesswomen practically […]
What’s next for Cotton Babies.

I got very quiet on the blog almost a year ago after we found out we were expecting our fourth child. Pregnancy and me aren’t close friends, for good reasons. I get grumpy – to the point where my Facebook posts go viral because people think my lovely perspective on life is entertaining (see image […]
Why I don’t believe in “impossible”.

Almost every day, I’m surprised again by someone willing to believe that a situation is impossible to work through. The mountain is too high. The project is too big. The problem is complex. Learning is hard. Change is scary. It is always easier to talk to everyone you know about a problem you’re facing than […]
Share The Love: The New Cloth Diaper Bank

Together with my team at the office, I have been working on getting a Cloth Diaper Bank off the ground for months now… it’s taken time to get everything off the ground and operational, but last week, we did our first official Share The Love™ diaper distribution to families here in St. Louis. Share The […]